Skyrim beasts of tamriel
Skyrim beasts of tamriel

Jorrvaskr Player Quarters by StormCrow06: X- Jorrvaskr A Small Renovation by Ansible2: Vault of whiterun and Jarls Personal Armoury by umknown357: If it's added, replace the pillars without collision with ones that do have collision! Bigger Whiterun - Better Cities Whiterun by Tsewe: Plague: If included, NPCs will need proper schedules, NAVmesh doorways may need fixing X- Solitude Lighthouse interior revamp by anothersunday: Plague: Requires checking for compatibility with CW quest to invade fort Imperial Mail - Post and Banking Service by NorthHare: -> SKSE Req Another Solitude Mod by ConspiracyDawg (Kazeii1): -> Exteriors only. Proudspire Marketplace by Elianora and Jokerine: -> Removes Proudspire Manor -> Move stalls into Solitude + undelete Proudspire Manor Solitude - Capital Edition by GrandDukeAdense: Prince and The Pauper by JadeRoyale and Gamwich: -> Use both standard + Gamwhich textures for more variation! RS Children Expanded Forsowrn and Bandit Children: Little Caravans and More Children Wears: Lore-Worthy Quartermasters by Team Value: Fjola - Mistwatch Leader by branlof776: Inconsequential NPCs by Ripple: -> Quest fragments? (Yes, I'm planning on fully merging this.) Plague: Would like to see added if Inconsequential NPCs goes in. Prostitutes of Skyrim: -> Integrate system from Inconsequential NPCs Immersive Wenches by Kozuke Hajime (lordkoz): -> Too much other stuff Plague: Added guards aren't tied into Civil War, or the correct factions for their cities. Extra Guards by jayr848: -> give them correct AI packages! + add opposite faction alternatives! Plague: Yes, but might require work to make sure the races are set up properly 3 new Khajiit races - Ohmes Ohmes-raht and Suthay by CapAm: Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - HD textures by skyrimaguas: Plague: Needs options selecting from the available brows to avoid overly-modern styles ** NPCs - Man, Mer and Beastrace Appearances ** Toads and Frogs of Skyrim by gg77: -> Already in Beasts of Tamriel? Plague: Lorewise they would only exist along the Hammerfell border in remote mountains.

skyrim beasts of tamriel

New Gryphons Mounts and Armies by gg77: -> Already in Beasts of Tamriel?

skyrim beasts of tamriel

Snails and Slugs of Skyrim by gg77: -> Already in Beasts of Tamriel? Beasts of Tamriel by SpikeDragonLord and jboyd4:

Skyrim beasts of tamriel